The Saskatchewan Health Coalition would like to give notice of its 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 1pm on Friday, March 22. The AGM is an opportunity for SHC members to get updates the SHC 2023 fiscal year, review high level administrative items, and provide feedback to the board about the direction of the organization.
In order to participate in the AGM, you must be a SHC member with a current membership. To renew your membership, please send us your annual membership fee, and email us to let us know if any of your contact information has changed. Having your accurate contact information helps us keep you in the loop about important membership communications.
If you would like to take out a membership for the first time, please visit our membership page and complete an application form, and then send your fees separately.
Ways to pay for your membership
Cheque: make out to ’Saskatchewan Health Coalition’ and mail to or drop off at the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour - #220-2445 13th Ave, Regina SK, S4P 0W1
Etransfer: send to, we are set up for auto-deposit so no need to worry about a security question
If neither of these options work for you, please let us know so we can try to make alternate arrangements if possible
Annual membership fees:
individual - $20
individual (retired) - $10
organization - $50
Submitting AGM resolutions
For members to submit resolutions to be considered at the AGM, please send to, subject line "2024 AGM resolution," by end of day on March 8, 2024.
Election nomination information
For the 2024 AGM, as per our bylaws, we are seeking nominations for the following board positions:
2 individual members
3 community members - this refers to organizations or community groups who have an organizational membership
If you are interested in putting your name forward as a candidate, the deadline to do so is end of day on Thursday, February 29. To learn more about the nomination process and how to submit, please review our nomination package below.
More details about the AGM including the agenda, 2023 financial statements, and election nomination details will be shared with all current members in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions about the AGM or membership process, please contact Krystal, SHC Provincial Director, at We look forward to seeing you there!